Trip to Domenic Republic.
Trip to the Domenic Republic. Sobhag, Anju, Babu, Kanta, Kirit, Kilu, Kirit & Jayshree, All-inclusive. Saw old town, surfing, Pool games, sea games, swimming, walking & eating etc. Went on a local tour with others, How people lived in olden times, farms where pineapple grew, schools, entertainers, Holding baby crocodile in hands, a Boat trip through canals to see inside the life of local people. Every night shows, Stayed at Kasa Marina. Went to see local brewery “Brugal”. Went on a Banana boat in the sea, Anju got hurt at the end. Relaxing on Hammock. Didn’t realise the time to go back home. 7 days over – At the airport.