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Direct to Dar-es-salaam.

Direct to Dar-es-salaam.

Direct to Dar-es-salaam. Me, Anju, Papa, Mumy, Vrush, Shanil, Vijay, Harin, Jay, Divya, Mahir, Ansh, Sushma, Rajesh, Bhavi & Nidhi. Three nights in 2 rented apartments. Lunch at Praful’s. Rest in hotel. Dinner in restaurant, met Mina & Pradeep. Second day morning Dharmesh arranged brunch in Labenese restaurant, joined by Praful’s family and Khyati. Went swimming and evening at Oster Bay. Had creaps, mogo with kachumberi, masala bateta, chui, Went to Khyat’s house for Tea, Daksha ben’s house for dinner. Visited Shanta fai’s house. Third day went to sea cliff , evening in a restaurant Left for Zanzibar.

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