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IN U.K. 11-04-89 to 17-04-89 In Bombay 18-04-89 to 26-04-89 In Thailand 26-04-89 to 29-04-89 In Japan 30-04-89 to 04-05-89 In Hong Kong 04-05-89 to 06-05-89 In Singapore 06-05-89 to 09-05-89 In Bombay 09-05-89 to 14-05-89 above trip was organised by SOTC - with Vibha  

In Rome 28-03-88 to 30-03-88 In U.K. 30-03-88 to 08-04 88 with Vibha Tenerife 08-04-88 to 16-04-88 with Vibha In U.K. 16-04-88 to 06-06-88 with Vibha In Zurich 06-06-88 to 08-06-88  In U.K. 08-06-88 to 14-06-88 with Vibha Day trip to Milan on 17-05-88