Who am I.
The reason of this write up is to inform the readers the reason of starting this website and where it ended up. I always had plans to write up my life history informing the audience about when we moved, how we moved, my businesses and the houses we lived in. I gathered collections throughout the years. This is very similar to what lots of people do and I am not any different than them and I did the same thing. A time came where I wanted to write a book about me. Then I realised that people may not have time to read the book. The idea was to write my biography book about my life history but the 2nd thought was from my experience that not many people will be interested in reading the book. I realised having pictures with small captions in the bottom would be better from my knowledge at the Gandhi exhibition. Hence I decided to do a photobiography. It would be nice to have a website where it can be easily accessed and seen. People can see the categories that they are interested in. This was my idea to establish my website.